Bridge classes, private lessons, & sanctioned play
Upcoming Zoom seminars:
Have you checked out Learn Bridge Online yet?
Join my ongoing class Elevate Your Bridge meeting every Tuesday at 12:00 Mountain/2:00 Eastern and watch replays if you cannot attend live. One week free trial and additional perks are available for subscribers!
Join Dave Harty and me every Saturday evening at 6:30pm Mountain for our free bridge lesson on BBO (Bridge Base Online). Not sure how to find us? Use the contact form and I will email you directions.
Interested in registering for courses/seminars taught previously?
All classes are archived as recordings, including the following:
Full Courses (4 weeks)
Overcalls Complete
Two Over One Game Forcing
Play of the Hand
Devastating Defense
Power Auctions
Matchpoint Mastery
Doubles Revisited
Slam Dancing
*Quintessential Q-Bids
*Competitive Bidding for the 21st Century
Mini-Courses (2 weeks)
Inverted Minors
Stayman to the Max
New Minor & Fourth Suit Forcing
Modern Losing Trick Count
Game Tries
Balancing Seat Bidding Bonanza
*Jumping Around
*Reading the Tea Leaves (3 weeks; play of the hand)
Individual seminars (Bidding):
When You Should Pass
Showing Shortness
Tolerance Principle
The Last Guess
Seven Deadly Sins of Bridge
The Law of Total Tricks
Jacoby 2NT: Classic & Modified
Opening Light & Responding to Light Openings (Reverse Drury)
Weak Two Wisdom
Tactical Bids & Sweet Little Lies
Bidding Over the Opponents' Takeout Double
Mixed Raises
NT Defenses and Multi-Landy
Why You Lose at Bridge
Triumph with Two Suiters
Trouble With Redouble?
Fighting Fire with Fire: Unusual vs. Unusual
Information Leakage
Minor Suit Transfers
Thrive With Six Five
Two-Way New Minor Forcing
Majors vs. NT
Banishing Bad Bidding
Individual seminars (Declarer play):
Let's Make a Deal: The Principle of Restricted Choice
To Draw or Not to Draw: Managing Trumps in Suit Contracts
Deception by Declarer
Individual seminars (Defense):
Leading Trump
Defensive Visualization (multiple installments)
Smith Echo
Full courses are $55
Mini-courses are $30
Individual seminars are $15
Use contact form on home page to reach Curt for additional class content information, course syllabi, and registration information.